How to run Vmware Player virtual machine in background on Windows

15 10 2014

Vmware Player is as simple as a pie, whether it’s good or bad.
What is definitely bad about it is it’s lack of management tools, but it’s how it was supposed to be, otherwise you wouldn’t pay for more advanced versions, right?
To ensure your virtual machine of choice is started together with Windows but not hanging in front of your eyes act as follows:

  1. Add pref.vmplayer.exit.vmAction = “disconnect” to the C:\Users\%USERNAME%\AppData\Roaming\VMware\preferences.ini – this step is not a must but will keep your VM alive if you decide to kill vmplayer.exe process later on.
  2. Schedule a task for it with trigger – “at startup” (Tick “Run with highest privileges” if you’re using raw device as I do). Action will be “Start a program”, Program/script – “C:\Program Files (x86)\VMware\VMware Player\vmplayer.exe” and “Add arguments (optional)” field must contain full path to your VM .vmx file (do not forget quotes if path contains spaces)

That’s it.
PS. Of course it all has sense if VM is reachable over IP in some manner.



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